Catalog Number | : | 1101002.1215080 |
Publication Number | : | 12150.1621 |
ISSN/ISBN | : | - |
Publishing Frequency | : | Annualy |
Release Date | : | September 26, 2016 |
Language | : | Indonesian |
File Size | : | 1.11 MB |
Publication of Statistics of Pollung Subdistrict 2016 is published by Statistics of Humbang Hasundutan Regency which contains
various data and information selected around Pollung Subdistrict which
is analyzed simply to help data users understand the development
progress and the potential that exist in Pollung Subdistrict
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan (Statistics of Humbang Hasundutan Regency)Jl. Kolonel P.H.Purba
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