April 13, 2023 | BPS Activities
On April 13-14 2023 at the Ayola Doloksanggul Coffee Hotel, BPS Humbang Hasundutan Regency held a Public Consultation Forum Assistant Facilitator Training (FKP) on the results of the Initial Research and Research Data Collection. The main objective of FKP activities is to obtain a list of families whose welfare group has verified and mutually agreed upon. With this training, it is hoped that the Facilitator assistants can understand the flow of activities and procedures for implementing FKP so that later FKP can run well. In this training, a FKP simulation was also carried out which is expected to provide an overview to asfas candidates about the FKP situation later.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Humbang Hasundutan (Statistics of Humbang Hasundutan Regency)Jl. Kolonel P.H.Purba
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Doloksanggul 22457 Kab. Humbang Hasundutan
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