national statistics day - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Humbang Hasundutan Regency


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national statistics day

national statistics day

September 26, 2019 | Other Activities

In commemoration of the National Statistics Day September 26, 2019, BPS of Humbang Hasundutan carried out the rally as well as the SP2020 socialization which will be held next year led by the head of BPS of Humbang Hasundutan Regency Mr. Ir. Rudi Harlon Harianja. Representatives from other Dinas were present at this event including the Office of Communication and Information, the Office of the Environment, the Office of PUPR, and the Office of Tourism. In addition, BPS also invited the best statistical partners from each sub-district in Humbang Hasundutan Regency, as well as granting Satya Lencana to two BPS employees who had worked at BPS for 20 and 10 years, namely KSK Linting Nihuta District Mr. Pangihutan Simatupang and Staff TU Mrs. Rotua Krisnawati.

In his remarks, the Head of BPS advised all those present at the rally to become campaign agents for the success of BPS's big event next year, the 2020 Population Census.


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BPS-Statistics Indonesia

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