Humbang Regency BPS Hasundutan opened registration for the Wilkerstat Load Mapping and Update Officer in 2019.
Mapping Officer Requirements:
- Able to work in the field
- Education Min. High school
- Maximum age of 50 years
- Get used to the Android application and have WA
- Preferably have an Android cellphone min. Version 4.0.3 with Internal GPS, Internal Memory min. 1 GB and 2 GB of RAM
- Able to read and understand maps
- Ready to take part in officer training and field implementation April dd May 2019
- Preferably who controls and can ride a motorcycle.
Registration is open March 14-21, 2019 by registering at the Mitra BPS Application.
Download and Install the Mitra BPS application on the link: then fill in the biodata.